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  • Science Supplements’® Vicky Mitson Competing For A Unique HOYS Double

    Qualifying a horse for HOYS, in either a showing or showjumping class is no mean feat. However, qualifying the same horse in BOTH categories has previously only happened on one occasion. That is until Vicky Mitson, Commercial Director for Science Supplements® – the equine nutrition specialists - recently became the second rider to ever accomplish this achievement.

    The remarkable result is even more impressive when you take into consideration the fact that Vicky works full-time, her mount is 17 years old and the combination only started showjumping this year! Although Vicky and her 16.2” Irish bred gelding Science Supplements Royal Gent (Buster) are a regular feature on the showing circuit, (they have qualified for HOYS every year since Vicky took over the reins in 2012 and competed at the Royal International Horse Show no less than 14 times, including winning the Lightweight Working Hunter Championship in 2014), the pair are relative newcomers to jumping. 

    Vicky commented, “We only started competing in show jumping this year after Derek Morton noticed how much Buster loved to jump and observed just how careful he is. I decided to give it a go and have some fun with Buster. He loves his job and is always the first horse up the ramp onto the lorry. He literally comes alive at shows and clearly likes his time in the ring. In fact, he was so exuberant in the qualifier he nearly jumped me off - so as long as he is happy to compete, we’ll keep going.”

    Vicky and Buster have qualified for the Bronze League Show Jumping and Working Hunter Final. And in a final bizarre twist of fate, both classes are due to take place on the same day.  Watch this space for news of yet another unique triumph!

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